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Protaris personal risk measures

The Protaris risk reduction measures - free excerpts from our travel safety book

How Many of you have been asked to risk assess before – to identify risks in the workplace is now set at a high level and the improving standards of safety are testament to the safety culture introduced into industry, as an example you would not even consider walking onto a building site now without high visibility jackets or hard hats on or in fact appropriate shoes as well as other personal safety equipment.

What about your own protection a simple way of putting this is to ask yourself this question, “How do you risk assess threats to you personally”.

We will ask you another question “Do you often consider what you would do in a difficult situation or in fact do you feel you have the tools to assess threats to you personally.

In the fast moving world and the options of travel and accommodation worldwide an essential part of personal protection is the ability to risk assess threats to you as an individual group or even a family.

Protaris offers this blog, given to you over the next 2 weeks as a method to protect you personally it should be used in a way that asks you to be open and honest with yourself to read the material as a way of guidance for your personal protection.

We can answer some of these questions for you, most people have different levels of personal awareness this can often boil down to the following factors:

-How you have been brought up or indeed where you have been brought up.

-Your life experiences and personal ethics also play a part in the way you view the world

Although these experiences are valuable most people will not use their skills in a systematic way that evaluates most if not all of the threats in a way that is logical or comprehensive surely the best way to risk assess is to use a methodical approach that is designed to make you aware of situations before they develop.

At Protaris we like to use a term that you may have heard of before “there’s always a reaction before an action”.

The first thing we need to reassure you with is this and I will say it as loud as you like.

“You are a fantastic defence platform you are perfectly designed to protect yourself.”

Now before you rush off to tell everybody this fact we need to make you aware as to why we say this.

Another question I’m afraid .

“Have you ever walked into a place room or area where things haven’t felt quite right”?

Now before we move on we want you to remember one thing if we could give you one piece of advice that we hope you will live by it is this:-

“Never ignore your instinct”

Let’s face it us humans have been around for millions of years in regard to survival we must be doing something right.



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