Office Qatar 15 -16 Commercial Bank Plaza Doha +974 4452 8163
London Office
020 8115 9676

Do you know that the words we use account for less than 10% of the messages we communicate face to face? That tone of voice accounts for nearly 40% of messages and posture and gesture 50%? Incredibly, the findings of current research into body language indicate that the above statistics are true. As such, it's worth investing in body language training courses for your security staff who are tasked with the responsibility of protecting your business and/or the general public. Many business owners get in touch with the team at Protaris when they're looking for training courses that are tailored to their unique requirements.
A Leader in its Field
Protaris stands head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to designing and delivering bespoke body language training courses for its clients. It's widely established as a leader in the field of human behavioural detection, and has assisted countless companies in improving their level of security. To find out more about Protaris, take a look around the website. Or to discuss your requirements or ask any questions, don't hesitate to call the team on +974 4452 8163. They'll be happy to assist in any way they can.
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