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The security industry has seen major advancements in recent years, with a whole range of CCTV and surveillance solutions coming to the fore. This is great news for businesses who are looking to enhance and improve their security. But how do you make the most of this improved surveillance? The answer lies with training security professionals to read body language in order to spot signals that indicate suspicious behaviour.


The study of body language has been developing for centuries, and we know now more than ever how body language can reveal a great deal about a person’s emotions and intentions. If you want your security staff to know how to read body language, why not hire Protaris to develop and deliver a bespoke training programme? The team at Protaris have a huge amount of knowledge and expertise at hand.


Trust the Experts


Over the years, Protaris has firmly established itself as one of the world's leading experts in human behavioural detection. Increasingly, businesses of all sizes are enlisting it services. To discuss your requirements in detail with one of the team, call +974 4452 8163. Or take a look around the website to find out more.

How To Read Body Language For Security

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